February Meeting - 'I never knew Geography would be so relevant' with Bill Avenell

Wednesday 19 February 2025
19:30 to 21:30

An amusing look at how geography impinges on our everyday life. For example, why do motorway traffic jams suddenly disappear?
The talk has plenty of good-natured humour and demonstrates some insightful local knowledge.

Bill Avenell has a passion for unusual features in the landscape. He is a specialist in topography and is a retired Geography teacher and Deputy Head of Christ’s Hospital, Horsham where he worked for over 30 years.

Most of us were taught geography at school, but not topography, which is a field of geoscience, studying forms and features of land surfaces.

Bill will explain the impact that physical geography has made on our daily lives.

There will also be time for refreshments and the raffle.