
What's Cooking?

Mary Berry's Chocolate Birthday Cake

Choc cake 1

So the 7th July was World Choclate Day and in celebration of this, and also because it is my birhday in July, I have baked a birthday cake to Mary Berry's recipe, which is very chocolately indeed.

I made this even more special by totally covering the cake with chocolate butter icing and then topping with chocolate ganache, raspberries and chocolate dipped starwberries. Each of the two sponges were split in half so that there were three layers of raspberry buttercream in the centre.

Choc cake 2

The sponge itself is very easy to make as it is an all-in-one recipe. The decoration can be as simple or as complex as you would like to make it.

As mentioned in the previous "What's Cooking?" News entry, you can just stick to chocolate dipped strawberries for a more healthy option. These are very easy to make, look special and taste delicious.

Have a treat this July !!

Choc strawberries


The 11th of August is National Bakewell Tart Day!

Therefore, I will be baking a traditional bakewell tart, following the recipe on the Bakewell in Derbyshire website. Click here.

If you don't fancy that, then I notice that the Norfolk Federation has a Bakewell Tart Scones recipe on the NFWI website. Maybe you would like to try baking those instead. Click here.

Let me know if you make anything and how you get on. Happy baking!

14:33, 18 Jul 2024 by Paula Cottrell

July 2024 Monthly Meeting

'Safe in Sussex' with Debbie West


What an interesting and informative meeting we had this month, when Debbie West from the charity Safe in Sussex came to talk to us about the Women's Refuge.

The presentation started with some truly frightening statistics, for example, that 1 in 4 women (1 in 6 men) will experience some form of domestice abuse in their lifetime and that on average 2-3 women a week are killed by a current or former partner.

Debbie however, was very positive and gave an enlightening talk about how the work that Safe in Sussex does can really make a difference to all adult members of the community affected by domestic abuse (although it is predominantly women) who need someone to talk to, a safe place to stay, advice and information or signposting to other support services.

The talk raised a lot of discussion and many questions were asked. Debbie was able to provide lots of infromation and was very knowledgeable.

If you would like to know more about Safe in Sussex, make a donation, take part in a fundraising event or volunteer etc. then please click the blue link above.

If you would like to watch the Channel 5 programme "My Wife, My Abuser" discussed at the meeting, then please see the blue link and/or check out your 'catch up' and 'on demand' options on your smart TV.


13:50, 18 Jul 2024 by Paula Cottrell

Book Club Meeting

12 July 2024

The Figurine

The meeting of the book club took place at Storrington Library in the meeting room whilst a special gathering took place in the main library to celebrate the completion of the new eco-friendly upgrades. 

We discussed "The Figurine" by Victoria Hislop and most of us enjoyed at least part of the book, although the general consensus was that it wasn’t one of her best.

Many of us felt that the book was too long and should possibly have been two books, one about the Greek military junta and its atrocities, history etc. and one about the looting of precious historical artefacts.

Some of us felt that certain incidents and characters were not fully developed or were unnecessary to the book’s main theme.

Nevertheless, we all agreed that we had learnt something, that Hislop’s research was very good and that her love of Greece and its ancient and modern history was really apparent.

The next book to be read will be the classic "The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

This will be dicussed on Friday 9th August.

Lord Flies

18:03, 15 Jul 2024 by Paula Cottrell

Strawberry Tea

2nd July 2024


A large group of the Sullington Windmills' members (about half of the total membership) got together at Thakeham Village Hall to celebrate summer, eat scones, drink tea and socialise.

There were 5 tables, each with scones (plus all the accompaniments), berries and tea, for the members to help themselves to for a couple of hours.

The tea kept flowing whilst the ladies caught up with friends and also took the opportunity to mix and mingle with members that they had not spoken to before.

Once everyone was fully replete the gathering came to an end with a free raffle, where a member of each table won the beautiful flower arrangement on that table (skillfully created by the talented Sandra).

It was a really great, relaxed afternoon and, as always, our thanks go out to the Committee and all of the members who organised the event, attended the event and helped clear up at the end.


14:37, 03 Jul 2024 by Paula Cottrell

Honey Cake 1

The longest day has now passed and in celebration of the height of summer I have, as promised, baked a honey cake.

I have followed the WI Honey Cake recipe and it has turned out very well.

I made this with my son as it is so easy. It is just a case of melting one set of ingredients in a pan and then mixing them with the dry ingredients and a couple of eggs. It all then goes into the prepared tin, with a few flaked almonds on the top, and bakes in the oven.

The resulting cake is so moist and delicious. Serve with a drizzle of honey and a cup of tea. Perfect!

Honey Cake 2


The 7th of July is World Chocolate Day!

Therefore, I suggest baking anything with a chocolate theme in July. This can be milk, white or dark chocolate.

Also Wimbledon starts on the 1st July, so why not make some dark chocolate dipped strawberries. As long as you stick to dark chocolate these are a more healthy option.

As it's my birthday in July I am going to combine both of the above ideas by making Mary Berry's Chocolate Birthday Cake decorated with chocolate dipped strawberries.

Enjoy whatever you make this summer and happy baking!

16:32, 01 Jul 2024 by Paula Cottrell


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