Social Events

Several times a year we organise outings to places of interest to our members (guests can usually come too). Past trips have included tree planting in Slindon North Wood, a visit to Highgrove, a tour of Springs’ smokery, lunch at Hever Castle at Christmastime and a walk around Shoreham Fort. 

We also run events for members, family and friends during the year such as lawn bowls, wine-tasting and pub games nights, some of which help us to raise funds for the charity Associated Country Women of the World.

As part of the West Sussex Federation, our members also enjoy a wide range of daytime, evening and weekend events, competitions and activities. Details of which are often publicised at our monthly meetings and can be found in the monthly West Sussex WI News magazine, which is provided to Sullington Windmills members as part of their membership.

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