May 2024 Monthly Meeting

Resolution Vote & Visit by Chris the Neighbourhood Warden

Hand up in a meeting

We had a very productive and lively meeting this month.

We managed to get the main business out of the way early on and completed our vote for the NFWI resolution Dental Health Matters. We voted in favour of the resolution and our delegate will now be able to go forward and vote on our behalf at the Annual Meeting on the 5th June in Arundel.

Chris PWe then had a very interesting and informative talk from Chris, one of Storrington's Neighbourhood Wardens.

Chris has been a warden since May 2019 and talked about how his role and day-to-day work has evolved over the last 5 years. He explained that what is needed from a Neighbourhood Warden in Storrington is not necessarily the same as what is needed in Horsham, Pulborough or Ashington.

The role has adapted over time and sees Chris (and his fellow warden John) being involved in such a variety of activities. They not only provide a reassuring patrolling presence, as well as efficient eyes and ears aimed at reducing fear of crime, but also get involved with the youth in the village, help search for lost dogs, set up meeting groups for the elderly or solicially isolated, organise SEN support groups, youth groups and so much more.

After his talk, Chris joined us for tea and cake and circulated the room chatting and answering questions.

They really have added so much to the community and village life over the last 5 years and have plans for much more.

Please say "Hello" if you see Chris and/or John in Storrington and, although they can't report a crime for you, they will always be able to refer you to the relevant agency that can help.

Chris and John


13:56, 16 May 2024 by Paula Cottrell