August Fundraiser for ACWW

New Age Kurling

New Age Kurling: "A team sport adapted from the sport of curling to be fully inclusive for all people. Between two and four players on opposing teams compete in a tactical game which involves sliding weighted stones towards a circular target."

Stones 1

What a fun evening we had raising money for the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW).

About 50 people turned up at the Chanctonbury Leisure Centre to have a go at New Age Kurling.

Led by Paul, from the Horsham District Council Sports Development Team, we played in pairs over several rounds for about 2 hours.

After a slow start, where everyone was trying out the kurls and getting the hang of the game, it suddenly became a bit more competitive between some teams. There was a lot of clapping, shouting and encouraging remarks being made throughout the hall with kurls being 'knocked out' and some high scores achieved.

All of the players were split into teams of two and allocated one of five playing courts. Each match consisted of two teams playing two ends. The scores of each end were then provided to Paul, to keep track of, before a new match started. 

The evening culminated with a Grand Final between the two highest scoring teams across the five courts.

It was very tense with everyone watching as the two teams took their places on the neutral court. With the kurls new to both pairs the first end ended in a 0-0 score, leaving the second and final end to be the decider. After a couple of good kurls, a few nudges, the odd knock out and some blocking the match was won by a score of 4-2 (see photo below).

Winning end

The winners were presented with their well-deserved prizes and the evening ended with the raffle, all proceeds of which are to go to ACWW.

We thank the committee, Paul, everyone who helped to organise this event and those who took part.

I'm sure everyone would agree that kurling is great fun and something that you should try if you get the opportunity.

10:38, 16 Aug 2024 by Paula Cottrell