December 2024 Monthly Meeting

'Campanella Handbell Ringers'


We had a very busy and enjoyable evening this December.

The business matters were kept to a minimum so that we could start the entertainment.

A group of 6 ladies (part of a larger mixed group of 16) from Kirdford Ifold & Plaistow Handbell Ringers Association (KIPHRA) came to play a selection of festive tunes for us.

Not only did they play the handbells, they also played the chimes and some sleigh/jingle bells.

The music started with The First Noel and ended with We Wish you a Merry Christmas, with many well-known festive tunes in between, Mary's Boy Child on the hand chimes was particularly enjoyed.

We sang or hummed along to the tunes and giggled (or groaned) at the "cracker" jokes that interspersed the pieces.

Question: How did they know that Jesus weighed 7lb 6oz?

Answer: They had a weigh in the manger.

After the performance we were able to chat to the ladies and have a closer look at the handbells, which were quite heavy and not as easy to get a good sound out of as it had appeared in more professional hands.

We then had our mulled wine/cider and our Christmas buffet whilst one of the handbell ringers judged the wrapped parcel competition.

Parcels 1

The winner was a very impressive parcel with homemade knitted embellishments. Well done to the winner. All parcels will be donated as in previous years.

The night ended with a game of Bingo and the raffle.

Merry Christmas!

Winner 2024

13:28, 16 Dec 2024 by Paula Cottrell